She was a mystery to the world.

A closed book. A well kept secret between tightly sealed lips. Her face held eyes that reflected every emotion that didn't have a name.

You know the kind I mean.

The way it feels when something makes you so completely and utterly happy that you feel a sense of dread fill your stomach. Is it because you're afraid you'll lose it? Or maybe you are feeling sorry for yourself because you don't get to experience this feeling as often as you would like.

So tears fill your eyes.

Or maybe the feeling that takes over when you love someone so much, so purely, that it hurts your eyes to look at them. It doesn't make sense--this..anger that you begin to feel towards them. Maybe we are angry because we know that all they have to do is leave and that will be the ruin of us. Or maybe we start to feel hatred towards the ones we love the most dearly because we know we had no choice in the matter. Love was shoved upon us like a weight we aren't prepared to bear.

We clench our hands into fists.

She held these emotions in her eyes. Uncomfortable, confusing feelings that we don't like to think about. So what do we do?

We dodge her gaze. We take an alternate path to our destination just to avoid those crystal blue eyes that make us squirm. Those eyes that reflect back what we need to examine more closely, but are scared to.

So she remains alone. Sits by herself at her lunch table. Never gets asked out on a date. Stays home on Prom night.

We are scared of what we don't understand, so we separate ourselves from those who confuse us. Put them in a box and swear we will get to them once we take care of what really matters. Safe, comfortable things that don't push us too hard. We fit in. We frown at those who stick out.

So she remains. Alone.

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