Beauty. Choose to see it everywhere you look. Breathe it in. Then release it as you breathe out. What a wonder that would be. If we all stopped looking for the bad in ourselves and those around us. If we all woke up every morning with the steady determination of a child...one goal in mind. Today I will experience beauty. We would meditate on this as we sleepily arose and prepared for what the day would bring. I think the world would have hushed mornings.

Hush, hush, hush.

We would open our front doors to face the sun with star studded eyes.

Let's stop this game of pleasing each other. When did beauty become something that must be earned? Who says we aren't all entitled to it? Perhaps we did all posses it once upon a time.

Jealousy. Hatred. Self loathing. Lies of society.

These are the culprits. Slowly turning our eyes downwards as we avoid the reflection in the mirror. Rotting our opinions of not only ourselves but of everyone we come in contact with. The beauty we once carried within us begins its disappearing act.

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