Fall; verb.


1. To descend freely by the force of gravity.

Falling should be the easiest thing to do. 'Descending freely sounds simple enough. Blissful even. What a lovely string of words. Complete and total surrender to a natural force.

However, gravity is a heavy word. Any creature who dreams of flight can assure you of this.

Falling can feel a lot like failing.

2. To come by chance.

'The job fell into her hands.'
'His birthday falls on a Tuesday this year.'

Sometimes we don't have a choice as to when we fall. Sometimes we fight it. Sometimes we wish it upon others.

Sometimes we rejoice when fate causes us to fall in a good place.

3. To pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind or a new state or condition

Perhaps this is the scariest form of falling. The kind that will send a shiver down a spine faster than the thought of a physical fall. The fall that most people long for most fervidly, yet dread with the same gusto.

To fall in love.

The act of giving another human being the chance to destroy you. To leave the safe and steady stage of independence to once again learning the childhood lesson of sharing. Sharing not only physical belongings, but sharing your feelings. Sharing your secrets. Sharing your world.

I don't know about you, but I most certainly believe that 'falling' is a terrifying verb. An uncomfortable word that demands more than I am willing to give sometimes. An action that won't occur overnight or as smoothly as romance novels portray. There will be no background music like the movies.

The individual that provokes you to fall will be a flawed one. Be prepared to cry. Be ready to be disappointed. Realize that you are flawed too. But most importantly, be willing to laugh at yourselves in the midst of your imperfections.

I have never truly fallen in this form. I have stumbled, but I have a lot of learning to do before I get to experience this horrifying and beautiful descend. I have a lot of people to meet. Decisions to make.

However, no one plans on falling. I pray that I don't schedule a time for me to. Love shouldn't be rushed. It shouldn't be imitated. It shouldn't be mocked.

It just happens.

It all just falls into place.

sheena s
7/5/2012 01:35:33 pm

OMG beautiful love this

7/5/2012 02:38:39 pm

Mollybean. You are truly an amazing girl :)

7/5/2012 02:53:35 pm

Molly, this is gorgeous, blew my mind. Thank you!


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